GUIDE: Good Times Made Simple: The Lost Art of Fun – tips for inexpensive, non-commercial family fun

by New Dream   |   June 6, 2011

Good Times Made Simple Cropped

Good Times Made Simple: The Lost Art of Fun offers 12 inexpensive, non-commercial ways to spend time with family and friends. The guide is based on a very simple premise: in our hectic day-to-day lives, it’s easy to lose sight of some of the things that bring us real joy: connections with family, friends, and nature.

This guide offers alternatives to commercial TV, screen time, video games, and trips to the mall—describing ways to share stories, carve, stargaze, play, sing, and many more. We hope it helps you rediscover the simple pleasures of good, old-fashioned fun.

Warning: Parents may enjoy this booklet as much as their kids, and grown-ups without children show an alarming tendency toward enjoying it, too!
