Festival Flags Garden Party

Simplify the Holidays

UPDATE! Our Simplify the Holidays program has found a new home within the Population and Sustainability Program at the Center for Biological Diversity, guided by the leadership of Kelley Dennings, former New Dream fellow and Advisory Council member. We are confident that New Dreamers will enjoy connecting more dots between over-consumption, conservation, and species health and diversity. Learn more about this transition on our blog. In the meantime, you’ll still find all of New Dream’s holiday resources below. Happy holidays!

Want your holidays wrapped in more meaning—and less stuff?

From Valentine's Day to the pre-Christmas frenzy, are you tired of the commercialization of your most cherished holiday celebrations?
Do you want more of what matters—not just more stuff?

Overcoming Party Pressure: SoKind Tips for a “Good Enough” Birthday Party

Last month, SoKind celebrated a big milestone — its one-year anniversary! As a gift to you, we've gathered our favorite tips for hosting birthday celebrations that focus on more fun and less stuff...more joy and less stress...and more love and less waste. Read on for celebration inspiration and practical tips.

Why Give Up Chocolate for Lent When You Can Give Up Plastic?

It may seem impossible to stop using plastic. But with perseverance and a little creativity, it can be done.

You Don’t Have to Bake Your Own Matzo: Tips for an Environmentally Friendly Passover

If you’ve been wondering how to do Passover in a more environmentally friendly way, here are six ideas that might help.

Easter, Naturally

As one of the most important celebrations on the Christian calendar, Easter is about more than plastic eggs and cellophane grass.

Have a More Fun, Less Stuff Easter

Easter doesn't have to be yet another commercialized, excessive celebration. You can still participate in all the fun without the waste and stress. 

How to Host an Unforgettable Party

Learn how one Charlottesville resident organized an unforgettable party around soup, designed to celebrate, honor, and support the diverse strands of her community.

How to Create a Zero Waste Easter Basket

Challenge yourself to create an Easter basket that will produce no garbage that would be sent to landfill.

GUIDE: Family Celebrations: A More Fun, Less Stuff Guide to Life's Joyful Events

Our newest guide provides inspiration and practical tips for you to plan special celebrations that reduce waste and expense, emphasize meaning over material goods, and strengthen relationships. With specific sections on: The Year-End Holidays, Birthday Parties, Baby Showers, and Community-Building Celebrations.

CATALOG: More Fun Less Stuff Gift Catalog – 100s of fun, low-cost, non- material gift ideas you can use today!

An alternative gift catalog for those who want to wrap their holidays in more of what matters—meaning, connection, and joy—and less of what doesn’t (stuff, stress, and waste). Categories include gifts for kids, spouses/partners, parents/grandparents, young adults, new parents, and the whole family.

SoKind – the "alternative" gift registry

SoKind allows you to create fully customizable wish lists focused less on "stuff" and more on family, fun, and friends. Or, create a GiveList—rather than requesting gifts, you can offer loved ones meaningful gifts that align with your values and skills!

COUPON BOOK: New Dream's Printable Coupon Book – a template for giving customized coupons to family & friends

Give gifts of time, experience, and memories—not more stuff! New Dream's Printable Coupon Book is an easy-to-use template that you can print out, customize, and give to family and friends of all ages.

ACTION KIT: Alternative Gift Fairs 101

Alternative Gift Fairs are a way to promote the gift-giving tradition of the holiday season without the wastefulness and commercialization of conventional shopping. Our resources include a step-by-step guide (including a timeline) to hosting a meaningful event that celebrates your values and supports important charities this holiday season.
