Search for "tim kasser"

13 results

Consumerism, Values, and What Really Matters: An Interview with Tim Kasser

Blog   |   by Lisa Mastny   |   July 29, 2011

 Psychologist Tim Kasser describes his work on materialism and values, and how he’s tried to resist consumer pressures in his own life.

VIDEO: The High Price of Materialism – how our culture of consumerism undermines our well-being (5 min.)

Videos   |   January 5, 2018

In this short animation, psychologist Tim Kasser discusses how America's culture of consumerism undermines our well-being.

The High Price of Materialism: Further Reading

Custom Pages   |   January 9, 2018

NEW! Hypercapitalism: The Modern Economy, Its Values, and How to Change Them

Blog   |   by New Dream   |   December 13, 2017

Hypercapitalism is a sharp, digestible, and funny cartoon guide to how global, privatizing, market-worshipping hypercapitalism threatens well-being, social justice, and the planet.

Want More Time? Give It Away!

Blog   |   by Wendy Philleo   |   September 25, 2012

New research shows that helping others can make us feel more "time affluent." New Dream Executive Director Wendy Philleo offers her tips.

Art as Resolution

Blog   |   by Eleanor Cleverly   |   January 14, 2014

With the launch of a new year, consider making art your resolution.

Great Summer Reads: 2018 Edition

Blog   |   by New Dream   |   May 8, 2018

We asked members of our Facebook group to post a comment about a book that's inspired them to make change. Check out their responses!

Great Summer Reads: 2019 Edition

Blog   |   by New Dream   |   June 21, 2019

Looking for a great summer read? Here’s a list of our favorite recent (or recent to us!) books.

Great Summer Reads: Recommendations from New Dream's Board

Blog   |   by New Dream   |   June 18, 2013

We asked our Board members for their favorite recent books on consumerism, community, and more. Check out their diverse and inspiring picks.

6 Ways to Resist Kid-Targeted Advertising (and Save the Planet!)

Blog   |   by Edna Rienzi   |   December 30, 2015

Today’s consumer culture encourages materialistic values. Learn ways to fight back!

Helping Your Kids Embrace a “More Fun, Less Stuff” Holiday

Blog   |   by Edna Rienzi   |   November 7, 2017

New Dream's Edna Rienzi shares six tips for how she gets her family on board with a simpler, yet more meaningful, holiday season.

The Case for Well-Being

Custom Pages   |   December 21, 2017

About Us

About Us   |   February 28, 2018
