In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!
Interested in contributing a guest post? Please review our submission guidelines.
by Jasmine Curtis | February 18, 2020
Many of the hair and beauty products marketed to Black women—from dyes and relaxers to lipsticks and makeup—pose serious health and environmental risks. Jasmine Curtis wants to change that.
by Raagini Appadurai | January 31, 2020
In the pivotal decade that’s just begun, what will get us through? How will we adapt and evolve, even in the face of increasing pressures on people and the planet?
by New Dream | December 18, 2019
As we looked back on this year, 2019 seemed to offer it all: moments of deep concern and persistent challenges to our safety and well-being, alongside meaningful signs of hope that are taking us into 2020.
by Anjali Appadurai | December 16, 2019
by Kelley Dennings | December 16, 2019
A strong advocate of experiences over gifts, Kelley talks about her own struggles with trying to make holiday memories less about what’s under the tree and more about spending time together.
November 21, 2019
The latest on organizational priorities, active programs, and strategic partnerships.
by Mary-Alexis | November 21, 2019
Mary-Alexis hated high school when she was a student, which is exactly why she became a high school teacher. By understanding what made school so awful for her, she's learned how to better serve her students, and become an activist in the process.
by Kate Parker | November 21, 2019
The commodification of rural life is happening across the country, from factory farming to agritourism. What are the costs of these changes and how can they support the people and communities that make a place what it is?
by Guinevere Higgins | October 22, 2019
One person's take on how New Dreamers are like witches.
by New Dream | October 22, 2019
Halloween is big business. It also requires a bit of cultural and environmental sensitivity, so we can be sure we're really embracing the spirit of good old fashioned fun.
by Dyaami D’Orazio | September 18, 2019
"We consume to have fun, to fit in, for convenience, to fill the spaces between ourselves and our families...and because the structure of society forces us to."
by Christina Lewis | September 18, 2019
In American society, where consuming is championed as the cornerstone of civilization, it is difficult not to give into the commodification of minority cultures, especially when it promises happiness and the furthering of our uniqueness.
by Amber Cadenas | September 17, 2019
We can't ignore the connections between our own behaviors as consumers and many of the wider crises facing our world, including climate change and the realities of climate-related migration.
by New Dream | June 21, 2019
Looking for a great summer read? Here’s a list of our favorite recent (or recent to us!) books.