The New Dream Blog

In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!

Interested in contributing a guest post? Please review our submission guidelines.

The Lost Art of Asking Ourselves

by Paula Abreu   |   July 20, 2012

Have we lost the habit of reflecting on whether our decisions make us happy, resonate with our values, and feed our souls?

The Power of One (Child)

by Jake Giessman   |   July 18, 2012

Guest blogger Jake Giesmann explains why choosing to have only one child has brought wide-ranging benefits for his family and finances.

Subways, Buses, and Backpacks: 6 Frugal Travel Strategies for Kids

by Suzita Cochran   |   July 9, 2012

For one Colorado family, this year's summer vacation was the ideal time to begin teaching the kids “feet-on-the-ground” travel. 

What Happened to Self-Reliance and the Do-It-Yourself Ethic? (Part 2 of 2)

by Addison Del Mastro   |   July 6, 2012

Self-reliance and the “can-do” spirit aren't gone. They're just dormant, drowned out by a fast-paced lifestyle and cheap consumer goods.

Celebrate Independence: Find the Local Love

by Terra Wellington   |   July 3, 2012

Grassroots businesses are all about a sense of place and sharing. Isn’t this how it used to be? Or maybe, how we’d like it to be.

America the Possible: A Manifesto, Part II

by James Gustave Speth   |   July 2, 2012

We need a compelling vision for a new future, a vision of a better country—America the Possible—that is still within our power to reach.

Donating Your “Declutter” to Charity

by Dale S. Brown   |   June 27, 2012

Many of us bring unwanted stuff to a drop-off box, donation center, or collection event. But how much of it is actually reused?

Can Investing Locally Give Us a Better Return on Our Money?

by Lisa Mastny   |   June 21, 2012

Is it possible to invest our money directly in our communities while also seeing a healthy monetary return? A new book says yes.

Strategies for a New Economy: 10 Takeaways for All Americans

by Lisa Mastny   |   June 21, 2012

Is it possible to create an economy that prioritizes both human well-being and Earth’s natural systems? The movement has already begun.

Financing to Fight Food Deserts

by Krislyn Placide   |   June 20, 2012

Pennsylvania’s Food Fresh Financing Initiative aims to help level the nutritional playing field in low-income areas.

8 Cheat Codes for Life

by Jake Giessman   |   June 14, 2012

Compared to their video game counterparts, the real "cheat codes" to life are simpler and more powerful.

What Happened to Self-Reliance and the Do-It-Yourself Ethic? (Part 1 of 2)

by Addison Del Mastro   |   June 13, 2012

Fixing things ourselves can help relieve the money stress that many of us feel—but only if we're able to actually do the work.

The Share Tax: Redefining Business for Community-Driven Commerce

by Lisa Gansky   |   June 7, 2012

Old ways of taxing businesses don't make sense in an ecosystem based on resource-sharing and peer-to-peer interactions.

Rethinking Our Wasteful Habits: Is Anything Ever Really Obsolete?

by Addison Del Mastro   |   June 6, 2012

We need to rethink the idea of “obsolescence” and focus on the factor that really defines an item’s value: demand

World Oceans Day: Making a Difference as a Conscious Consumer

by Terra Wellington   |   June 5, 2012

Taking care of the world’s marine life is something everyone can take part in. No matter where you live.
