In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!
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by Paula Abreu | July 20, 2012
Have we lost the habit of reflecting on whether our decisions make us happy, resonate with our values, and feed our souls?
by Jake Giessman | July 18, 2012
Guest blogger Jake Giesmann explains why choosing to have only one child has brought wide-ranging benefits for his family and finances.
by Suzita Cochran | July 9, 2012
For one Colorado family, this year's summer vacation was the ideal time to begin teaching the kids “feet-on-the-ground” travel.
by Addison Del Mastro | July 6, 2012
Self-reliance and the “can-do” spirit aren't gone. They're just dormant, drowned out by a fast-paced lifestyle and cheap consumer goods.
by Terra Wellington | July 3, 2012
Grassroots businesses are all about a sense of place and sharing. Isn’t this how it used to be? Or maybe, how we’d like it to be.
by James Gustave Speth | July 2, 2012
We need a compelling vision for a new future, a vision of a better country—America the Possible—that is still within our power to reach.
by Dale S. Brown | June 27, 2012
Many of us bring unwanted stuff to a drop-off box, donation center, or collection event. But how much of it is actually reused?
by Lisa Mastny | June 21, 2012
Is it possible to invest our money directly in our communities while also seeing a healthy monetary return? A new book says yes.
by Lisa Mastny | June 21, 2012
Is it possible to create an economy that prioritizes both human well-being and Earth’s natural systems? The movement has already begun.
by Krislyn Placide | June 20, 2012
Pennsylvania’s Food Fresh Financing Initiative aims to help level the nutritional playing field in low-income areas.
by Jake Giessman | June 14, 2012
Compared to their video game counterparts, the real "cheat codes" to life are simpler and more powerful.
by Addison Del Mastro | June 13, 2012
Fixing things ourselves can help relieve the money stress that many of us feel—but only if we're able to actually do the work.
by Lisa Gansky | June 7, 2012
Old ways of taxing businesses don't make sense in an ecosystem based on resource-sharing and peer-to-peer interactions.
by Addison Del Mastro | June 6, 2012
We need to rethink the idea of “obsolescence” and focus on the factor that really defines an item’s value: demand
by Terra Wellington | June 5, 2012
Taking care of the world’s marine life is something everyone can take part in. No matter where you live.