In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!
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by Wendy Philleo | December 19, 2011
A lot of people can’t stand New Year’s resolutions, but I enjoy thinking about all the possibilities when a fresh year lies ahead.
by Jeffrey Steuben | December 15, 2011
New oil-consumption scenario for The Settlers of Catan brings eye-opening lessons about resource consumption and our impact on the world.
by Amy Curtis | December 8, 2011
In São Paolo, the removal of logos and slogans exposed previously overlooked architecture, revealing a rich urban beauty that was long hidden.
by Suzita Cochran | December 5, 2011
Whether it’s a material item like shoes or a non-material one like free time, how do you know when you have enough of something?
by Jennifer Prediger | December 1, 2011
At SHARE New York, participants came together to talk about turning economic disillusionment into something more productive.
by Wen Lee | November 17, 2011
All around the world, people will be celebrating Buy Nothing Day to take a stand against rampant consumerism and reclaim the holidays.
by Amy Curtis | November 17, 2011
Morgan Spurlock's new film exposes the subversive role of product placement in American media.
by Lisa Mastny | November 17, 2011
What if you could accurately measure the happiness of your community based on parameters like physical health, material well-being, and time balance?
by New Dream | November 4, 2011
Living Lighter is a colorful pamphlet filled with helpful tips and resources for reducing your consumer footprint.
by Amy Curtis | October 19, 2011
Learn how you can experience a magically spooky Halloween night without all the shopping, sugar, and excess waste.
by Lisa Mastny | October 13, 2011
The founder of Sustainable Tompkins in New York State talks about how she's helped her community lay the groundwork for sustainability.
by Wen Lee | October 11, 2011
Patagonia is asking customers to buy less and buy used—something that flies in the face of everything we know about commercial business.
by Elizabeth Sweet | October 7, 2011
On a quest to find a gender-neutral toy for her daughter, an inquisitive mother delves into the magical history of pink and blue branding.
by Jason M. Hatch | October 4, 2011
The founder of Oregon's first tool library describes how he borrowed an idea and created a real resource for his neighborhood.
by Erik Assadourian | September 30, 2011
This week I had the opportunity to visit Portland, and it was refreshing to see so many efforts to grow a sustainable culture wafting out of the Rose City. There were some scary trends oozing out from there as well. But let’s start with the positive: