In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!
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by Cecile Andrews | September 19, 2013
Can the sharing movement help to build a better classroom for our students?
by Anja Jewel | September 19, 2013
Looking for a way to decorate your home in an eco-friendly manner? Try antiquing and used furniture!
by Edna Rienzi | September 19, 2013
John Francis gave up motorized transportation for 22 years. His next journey? Public service and teaching others.
by Anna Awimbo | September 19, 2013
New Dream sits down with activist and author Sam Daley-Harris on the 20th anniversary of his book, Reclaiming Our Democracy.
by Cecile Andrews | August 20, 2013
The secret to change? It's as simple as bringing people together and starting conversations.
by Addison Del Mastro | August 15, 2013
Packard wasn't the first to write against excessive consumption. But he was the first to coin the term by which we all know it today.
by Sarah Baird | August 13, 2013
Across the United States, 2013 has been a major year for public art installations with a larger mission.
by Chong Kee Tan | August 12, 2013
There are many other ways to pay for goods and services than with money. Chong Kee Tan, co-founder of Bay Bucks, breaks down community currencies.
by Sarah Baird | August 8, 2013
Use technology to help go green with our top ten favorite smart phone apps: part two!
by Edna Rienzi | August 4, 2013
At age 30, former hedge fund trader Sam Polk walked away from Wall Street to start a new life of volunteerism and personal growth.
by Mary Murphy | July 30, 2013
I would never call myself a crazed-British royalty follower, but I did just happen to be awake at 6:00 a.m. to watch Will and Kate’s wedding a few years back.
by Cecile Andrews | July 23, 2013
Cecile Andrews explains how the cure to so many of our problems, particularly consumerism, is more community.
by Aislinn Pluta | July 21, 2013
Trying to develop a deeper connection to nature for your entire family can seem like a daunting task, especially if you don't know where to begin.
by Addison Del Mastro | July 17, 2013
Much of what we call sustainability today was once simple common sense. Yet we are not very far from losing all living connection to this time.
by Edna Rienzi | July 8, 2013
A Florida couple advocates an alternative vision of the post-midlife years, providing ideas and advice about meaningful work and community engagement.