In our blog, we feature stories, tips, and commentary from contributors around the world on topics ranging from
consumerism and parenting to how to live a fuller life with less. Enjoy!
Interested in contributing a guest post? Please review our submission guidelines.
by Edna Rienzi | November 4, 2014
Last month, SoKind celebrated a big milestone — its one-year anniversary! As a gift to you, we've gathered our favorite tips for hosting birthday celebrations that focus on more fun and less stuff...more joy and less stress...and more love and less waste. Read on for celebration inspiration and practical tips.
by Rachel Maxwell | October 29, 2014
Community Sourced Capital is a new kind of financial system that empowers communities to fund the businesses they most care about.
by Wendy Philleo | October 29, 2014
Executive Director Wendy Philleo offers her thoughts on fighting rampant commercialism and how best to push back against it.
by Edna Rienzi | October 29, 2014
After several years as a wedding photographer, Danielle Calhoun had begun to feel frustrated with the excessiveness of the weddings she was documenting. A trip to photograph West African orphanages cemented these feelings of uneasiness and frustration. But, rather than give up and quit the entire industry, Danielle decided to harness the amazing potential of the wedding market.
by Edna Rienzi | October 27, 2014
In the Real Celebrations series, SoKind asks registry users to share a bit about their celebrations. Read about how Michelle and Jedd have used SoKind to reach out to their loved ones during an important time of transition in their lives.
by New Dream | September 4, 2014
Want to build community? Tired of the commercialization of the holidays? Learn how to organize an Alternative Gift Fair in your town!
by Jenn Knepper | September 3, 2014
Want to learn how to host an alternative gift fair? Start here.
by Evonne Marzouk | August 25, 2014
Evonne Marzouk and her husband didn't need all that much baby gear for their second son. Moreover, they didn't really want a lot of new stuff. But Evonne knew that friends and family wanted to help celebrate the family's newest member. With this in mind, Evonne created a SoKind Registry. In this post, she shares her experiences and the lessons she learned along the way.
by Edna Rienzi | August 11, 2014
Two artists and filmmakers are house sitting their way around the world, with the mission of revolutionizing the way people travel.
by Addison Del Mastro | August 7, 2014
Should Detroit institute a one dollar house program?
by Marissa Mommaerts | July 29, 2014
A new series of posters is helping illustrate the dangers of excessive consumption.
by Mary Murphy | July 16, 2014
New Dream's CommunityShare Workshop is helping lead the way for the Sharing Economy in Maryland.
by Edna Rienzi | July 15, 2014
Follow along on Nicolás's journey to find a new path toward happiness—off the beaten path.
by Anna Awimbo | July 11, 2014
Oregon is full of people bringing their communities to life through the Sharing Economy.